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Biesta, G. (2010). 1. What is education for? Good education in an age of measurement: ethics, politics, democracy (pp.

Gert biesta learnification

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2015-05-24 · An interview with Gert Biesta on the learnification of school buildings and education. Adam Wood May 24, 2015 November 15, 2018 Architecture: Politics, Social , Educational Theory Post navigation Gert Biesta has described this shift in discourse as a ‘new language of learning’ and the ‘learnification of education’. It’s not hard to see the positive side of this change in focus towards the ‘learner’ and away from the syllabus, the teachers and the institution in which the ‘learning’ takes place. Gert Biesta thinks that teaching is imperiled by the contemporary emphasis on student learning and the constructivist epistemology behind it – a phenomenon he refers to as " learnification.

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Abstract. In contemporary societies there are many  24 maj 2015 Gert Biesta: What really matters in education (VIA Univ.College): . Jag tar särskilt till mig Gert Biestas tankar (vilket utvecklas som mest i slutet  Mar 24, 2020 Martin introduces the educational philosophy of Gert Biesta. https://www.

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Subjectification involves ways of being whereby individuals exercise their capacity to remain independent from the existing orders by challenging their uncontested insertion into these orders. For Biesta, becoming a subject primarily revolves around the process of the 2017-03-28 · Biesta’s point is that teacher judgment is at the very centre of maintaining this balance between the three domains. With possibilities for synergies and conflicts arising within these three domains, it is crucial that teachers make informed and situated judgments about what is desirable at any point of time, and the attention that needs to be given within these domains. Om författarna Gert Biesta är professor i pedagogik vid universitetet i Stirling samt gästprofessor vid Mälardalens högskola.

Gert biesta learnification

University of Stirling, UK. Abstract. have referred to this development as the 'learnification' of education (see Biesta 2010a). I have deliberately. In this challenging but accessible book, Gert Biesta offers a theoretical work collectively establish and critique what Biesta calls the “learnification” of education  In the seven chapters in this book Gert Biesta explores in detail what an OF EDUCATION; 4 - SUBJECTIFICATION REVISITED; 5 - LEARNIFICATION, Gert Biesta is Professor of Public Education in the Centre for Public Education and .
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Gert biesta learnification

dr. Gert Biesta, 11 februari 2014.Jet Houwers 2020-03-24 in de kantlijn van het seminar van KPC Groep 'Werk maken van pedagogiek' van 18-1-2019 een vraaggesprek met prof. dr.

ing», and Tomas Englund (2011) in  Good Education in an Age of Measurement: Ethics, Politics, Democracy: Biesta, Gert J. J.: Books. Avslutningsvis kan det vara viktigt att också peka på hur det som Gert Biesta kallat ”the learnification of education” bidragit till att osynliggöra  Denna tendens har kritiserats av bland annat Gert Biesta som talar om ”the learnification of educational research” (referens nedan). Ett för stort  cation.” According to Biesta, “the learnification of education” represents an 4 Gert J.J. Biesta, Good education in an age of measurement: Ethics, politics,  Biesta och Burbules (2003) menar att pedagogisk forskning är av esta, som använder begreppet ”lärifiering” (learnification) for att Biesta, Gert (2015a).
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Jun 13, 2013 Abstract. Starting from the notion of learnification (crafted by Gert Biesta), understood as the prevalence of the language of learning over that of  Mar 6, 2016 The HEAT group met on Wednesday 2 March to discuss Gert Biesta's The Beautiful Risk of Education. A weak engagement with a few of his  Results 91 - 105 of 663 This datafication of education seems to take place alongside a general turn to learning that Gert Biesta has called learnification: a  Politics, Democracy by Gert Biesta, 2010, Paradigm Publishers, 160pp, ISBN: he takes a strong position against the so-called "learnification" of education. Learnification.

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Welcome to my new website (17 February 2021). I am still adding links and documents, but hope that everything will be fully up to date within the next two weeks. Gert Biesta This reading focuses attention upon the different purposes and dimensions of education and emphasizes the importance of teacher judgement. It comes from Gert Biesta’s (2010) analysis of the particular nature of education practices and the role of purpose in such practices. 2015-03-10 PROFESSOR GERT BIESTA (Brunel University, London and ArtEZ Institute of Arts, Netherlands) works in the areas of educational theory and philosophy, engaging with questions that promote discussion of education’s purpose with this phenomenon or development that I call "learnification" in my work. 364 “Subjectification”: Biesta’s Strong Link to Education P H I L O S O P H Y O F E D U C A T I O N 2 0 0 9 language, which is “ancillary and thus indispensable”: “Language permits us to utter, be it by betrayal, this outside of being, this ex-ception to being, as though [the] being’s other were an event of being.” 9 It is in this attempt to escape the “language All content in this area was uploaded by Gert Biesta on Aug 08, 2017 Content may be subject to copyright.